
850 Greenlick Hollow Rd
Mt. Pleasant, PA 15666

Read everything below before calling or Texting

Before texting, emailing, or calling, here are a few answers:

  1. Products are sold as seen on the website, with no variations
  2. We don’t offer discounts
  3. We only sell online, no retail stores
  4. We only ship within the USA – lower 48
  5. Information and videos on each product can be found on every product page. Temp, color, longevity, application
  6. We only ship via UPS ground. The negotiated prices are passed on to the buyer – (no expedited shipments!!!) due to HAZMAT
  7. We ship every weekday – UPS picks up between 4 pm and 5 pm
  8. Expected delivery – From Pennsylvania – closest states East Coast 2- 4 days – West coast 6 days
  9. There are no charges when placed orders are canceled before the pickup time if pickup is prevented.

Before you call, read the following. Please be concise with your questions.

  1. I don’t need to know the house’s layout and when it was built.
  2. I don’t need to know who did the job.
  3. There are mainly 3 types of flat roof surfaces; determine what type of roof you have before you call. EPDM Rubber, Torch Down, TPO – I can sometimes determine what is wrong on your shingle roof too.
  4. Please don’t ask me to confirm what you saw in the videos; that is annoying. e. g. 1. Applying of the product. 2. Should you clean the surface. 3. What temperature 20 F and above. 4. It can rain within 30 min if it is a warm day after applying
  5. Ask technical questions about the product.
  6. If you need help with a roof problem, please have pictures ready to send. I will look at them and try to analyze the problem or devise a solution.
  7. Take pictures, not videos, with your phone. Take close-up pictures, pictures of obstacles close by, e.g., Vent pipes, flashing, chimney, wall and window, that will be helpful to troubleshoot, and wide-angle pictures to get a perspective. Then, after you have called me, send them to the phone number above.

If you text, please keep short paragraphs or questions.

email: [email protected]

Monday—Friday: 9:00AM–5:00PM Eastern Time
Saturday: 11:00AM–3:00PM

Sundays: Off – taking a break