850 Greenlick Hollow Rd
Mt. Pleasant, PA 15666
Read everything below before calling or Texting
Before texting, emailing, or calling, here are a few answers:
Tel 203 858 0080
- Products are sold as seen on the website, with no variations
- We don’t offer discounts
- We only sell online, no retail stores
- We only ship within the USA – lower 48
- Information and videos on each product can be found on every product page. Temp, color, longevity, application
- We only ship via UPS ground. The negotiated prices are passed on to the buyer – (no expedited shipments!!!) due to HAZMAT
- We ship every weekday – UPS picks up between 4 pm and 5 pm
- Expected delivery – From Pennsylvania – closest states East Coast 2- 4 days – West coast 6 days
- There are no charges when placed orders are canceled before the pickup time if pickup is prevented.
Before you call, read the following. Please be concise with your questions.
- I don’t need to know the house’s layout and when it was built.
- I don’t need to know who did the job.
- There are mainly 3 types of flat roof surfaces; determine what type of roof you have before you call. EPDM Rubber, Torch Down, TPO – I can sometimes determine what is wrong on your shingle roof too.
- Please don’t ask me to confirm what you saw in the videos; that is annoying. e. g. 1. Applying of the product. 2. Should you clean the surface. 3. What temperature 20 F and above. 4. It can rain within 30 min if it is a warm day after applying
- Ask technical questions about the product.
- If you need help with a roof problem, please have pictures ready to send. I will look at them and try to analyze the problem or devise a solution.
- Take pictures, not videos, with your phone. Take close-up pictures, pictures of obstacles close by, e.g., Vent pipes, flashing, chimney, wall and window, that will be helpful to troubleshoot, and wide-angle pictures to get a perspective. Then, after you have called me, send them to the phone number above.
The most “stupidest” question I get is – Should the surface be dry before I use this product? duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No, you should wait for the rain and snow and then apply it. My question to you is – Can you apply this product while driving?
Two things that will make me put the phone down, you might think I am rude
- Repeating the application process what you saw in the videos
- Asking if the surface should be dry
Monday—Friday: 9:00AM–5:00PM Eastern Time
Saturday: 11:00AM–3:00PM
Sundays: Off – taking a break